Sunday, February 1, 2009

Maximus…. the Puppy!

Introduction: Meet Maximus, the magnanimous dog, now a two-year-old puppy; one of the world's gentlest creatures

Nickname: Maxo

Age: Two Years

Breed: Labrador

Personality: Bright, sweet, loving, energetic.

Likes: People attention, praises, food, AC and bitches.

Dislikes: Bathing, Phus-Phus (the tick spray), noise and stressful situations

Favorite Toy: Slingshot ball

Why am I introducing him is for the reason that he helped me let go off my dog-phobia. I used to be extremely scared of dogs, particularly the strays on the streets of the bustling Indian cities, especially once I saw one biting my friend. I always used to walk few feet from any dog with the fear of being bitten, however since I’ve met Maxo, my fear has turned into a new-found love and respect for dogs. Well, Maxo is none other than one of my friend’s dog whose place I once went for a stay.

My first ever encounter with dogs was when I was barely 5-6 years old. She was my neighbour’s sweet lil bitch; very protective of the kids at home, but scared the heck out of relatives and friends. Thus my companionship with her never grew! Moreover, none in my family and friends’ circle ever had a dog. So I have always been aloof from them.

The day I met Maxo, it was initially scary for me. I was told that he is a puppy, but as I saw this huge, big dog, I was all frightened!!! He came running towards me and I felt as if I’m gone lose my life… The laptop which I was holding simply fell down from my shoulders [Luckily it was my friend’s :) ]

The time after that was simply amazing… Maxo was friendly to me; got toys asking me to play with him! The various interactions showed that he was treated as the smallest son of the family and was pampered like anything! I understood different emotions of this loving creature and realized that though he walks vigorously, eats voraciously and enjoys life, he is extremely innocent and harmless!

I wondered how dogs can be a source of happiness in the family.. Its like having a baby in your family whom you just cant stop admiring! I learnt that as is case with children, the family upbringing also impacts the way dogs behave and I want to appreciate and recognize such families who are gracious enough to love and feed dogs.

However, a thought always tickles me, ‘If dogs are so lovable, why is the word used in a negative connotation!!